No-cook Almond Marzipan Recipe – an easy addition to your Christmas platter

I’ve been making marzipan at home for a little over 12 years now. I must admit that in the past, I have only made marzipan using cashew nuts. This is mainly because they were more widely available in Mumbai and were more affordable than almonds. Last Christmas, when I shared my favorite marzipan recipe here and on YouTube, the video got a lot of love. I also got a lot of questions about making marzipan using almonds. There were also requests for an eggless version of marzipan. Now I have previously shared a different recipe for an eggless (cashew nuts) version. But I decided that this year, in time for Easter, I would try out an eggless almond marzipan recipe and share it with you. After a little experimenting, and more marzipan than I know what to do with, I have, what I consider a really good recipe to share with you.

How do they both compare? Well I found that the cashewnut marzipan is lighter while the almond one is a little on the denser side. That being said, the almond version is super delicious. I think even more than the cashewnut one. Then, there’s also the fact that the almond one is a no-cook recipe. So, to sum up, I will still make my cashewnut version as it is a little easier to work with, but the almond one will be absolutely perfect to use in so many different ways. I’d love for you to try it out and tell me what you think of it.

No-cook Almond Marzipan Recipe

Recipe by Trisha VazCourse: DessertDifficulty: Easy


Prep time



This delicious no-cook almond marzipan recipe is the perfect easy alternative to the cooked variant. Use it in desserts on your Christmas platter or any way you desire.


  • 1 cup raw, natural almonds

  • 1/2 cup icing sugar

  • 1/2 tsp rose water (you can add a little more if needed)

  • 1/2 tsp almond extract (you can add a little more if needed)


  • Place the almonds in a heatproof bowl.
    Pour water from a recently boiled kettle over the almonds to cover the nuts. Leave the almonds to soak for a couple of minutes.
  • Drain the almonds and peel them. Place them on some kitchen paper or a clean kitchen towel to dry up. Let the almonds cool down completely.
  • In a high powered blender / food processor, blitz the almonds to a fine powder.
  • Place the almond powder in a large bowl. Add in the icing sugar. Mix it thoroughly till combined.
  • Add the rose water and almond extract and knead to form a dough / log.
    Your marzipan is now ready to be used.

Recipe Video


  • If you don’t need to use it immediately, you can wrap it in cling film and refrigerate till needed. It keeps for a couple of months. (Personally, I would just make this when needed, probably a couple of days ahead.)
  • This marzipan is not a very sweet version. When the marzipan is formed, taste some of it. If you want it sweeter, simply add some more icing sugar and knead it in. 

Quick and Easy Treat for Easter – Chocolate Nests

I have kept my Easter prep for too late this year. I’m usually a lot more prepared than this. However, a minor accident had reduced my mobility this past week. I am on the mend but still not back to 100%. So I wanted to keep my treats quick and easy.

With that in mind I whipped up some Chocolate Nests. I love this recipe. It takes 3 ingredients and half and hour to make a batch. This is a very versatile recipe so you can make as big or small a batch, as you’d like. It is also a flexible recipe, so you can use the chocolate of your choice and mini eggs of your choosing too. So, if like me, you’ve left Easter prep for the last minute, try out this recipe. It is very popular with the little kids … and the big ones too.

Wish you and your loved ones a Happy and Holy Easter!

Chocolate Nests
Makes 8 Nests

100 grams Chocolate (I used Dark chocolate)
100 grams ready to serve Noodles
Mini Speckled Eggs

Chop up the chocolate roughly and melt using a double boiler. If you haven’t worked with a double boiler, watch the video linked below to see how you can use a simple saucepan and bowl to make one. (You can also melt the chocolate in a micowave using a microwave safe bowl and in 30 second increments.)

Toss the noodles into the chocolate and mix gently to coat the noodles in the chocolate completely.

Using a spoon and either a spatula or a butter knife, scoop out portions of the noodles onto a tray lined with baking paper. Shape to form rough circular shapes and make a little dip in the center of each nest.

Place the mini eggs in the dents created.

Refrigerate for 20 minutes.


You can watch the video recipe here –

How to make Marzipan from scratch!!!

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve received numerous requests from readers for my marzipan recipe used for my Easter goodies. Its taken me this long to post it as I’ve got it scribbled on a tiny piece of paper and I haven’t had much time to hunt for it or type it out. But I finally managed to track it down and type it out. That too, just in time for Easter. So this post is for all of you who’ve waited so patiently for it.


This Easter, why don’t you try making some goodies at home. Marzipan is a little finicky to get right but I’ve used this recipe that specifies exact time for cooking it. That makes it easier to handle. I’ve used this for years now and find it easier compared to some of the other recipes. I know that traditionally marzipan calls for almonds to be used, however, cashew nuts are more abundant here than almonds are so this recipe uses cashew nuts. 


200gms Cashew nuts, ground to a powder
400gms Sugar
150ml Water
½ tsp Almond Extract
Melt sugar in the water over the fire on high heat.
After the sugar melts, add the powdered cashew nuts and stir on low
heat for exactly 7 minutes.
Remove on a flat dish and add the almond essence.
Allow it to cool by stirring with a spoon or spatula.
Bind into a dough, color and use as desired.

 – If the marzipan turns too dry add a couple of drops of rose water and knead till it reaches desired consistency.
 – If the marzipan is slightly moister than you’d like, knead with some icing sugar till it reaches the desired consistency.
 – If the dough is too moist, put in back on the fire for a minute or so and stir. This step is usually not needed. I had to do this just once when using a different stovetop and the lowest flame was way to low than what you’d find on a regular stove top.


Easter Goodies 2011 and a Big Thank You

Update – I’ve added one of my favourite marzipan recipes. Click here to view it.

This morning I feel full of life, I’m excited and humbled at the same time. I’m really happy today. And, in a big way, I owe it all to you, my awesome audience, yes you, all of you who take the time out of your very busy lives  to read my posts and comment on them. You truly are wonderful. It is because of you that the most amazing thing happened a couple of days ago.

I got a call from a lifestyle journalist from the Times of India (only the biggest newspaper in the country). They were doing a feature on Easter celebrations in Mumbai and had somehow reached my blog space based on the popularity (read number of page hits) of the Easter Goodies series that I posted in the last few days. They wanted a small telephonic interview with good ol’ me. I couldn’t believe it, and even though most may think it’s really no big deal and of course its just a fleeting mention of me in the article, it never would have happened if it wasn’t for you. Since I wasn’t too sure if I was dreaming the whole thing up, I didn’t mention it to anyone yet. However, they ran the article in today’s paper and yes I’m in it 🙂 🙂 🙂 
If you want to look it up, you can find it here.
Back to business, here’s a glimpse of the Easter goodies I whipped up this year. Look at these pretties all set, waiting to be fancied up.
Aren’t they pretty. You know I love to use just a plain white royal icing to dress these up. Here’s a peek at what they look like after they’re iced.
All packed with color co-ordinated ribbon, ready to go.
Some of you wanted a tutorial  on how to make these goodies, though I didn’t have the time to get it done this time around, here’s what the moulds I use look like.
Once again, thank you all!!!
Have a Holy and Blessed Week ahead!!!

Easter goodies #4 – Marzipan Petit Four Easter Eggs

Like I’d promised here, today I’m going to show you a little something that I did to change up these marzipan Easter eggs. One of my clients, last year, needed something to take along to work for his colleagues. He didn’t want something as big as the regular Easter goodies since quite a few of the guys at work were bringing something or the other. So this is what I did. I hand rolled the marzipan into small eggs (the larger ones are made using a mould). Pipped a little royal icing border and a single flower. I had no idea they would turn out this adorable, since this was the first time I made them. I sure do hope I get the opportunity to make these again. I had fun with them. They are ideal if you need to take some treats for a large number of people. It also turns out easier on the pocket than the larger pieces. Here they are in their individual little paper cups, ready to go. Aren’t they pretty? (If I do say so myself).

I’ve added one of my favorite marzipan recipes. Click here to view it.

This fun idea is linked to –
Crafty Soiree
The Homespun Bake Shop
Sweets for a Saturday
Meals on Monday
Easter Party

Easter goodies #3 – Marzipan Easter Eggs

You’ll have noticed that all the easter goodies showcased so far have marzipan in them. Incase you’re wondering why, thats because Easter treats in this part of the world primarily come in three forms – made of marzipan, made of chocolate and the hollow sugar egg. Folks here are slowly opening up to other Easter treats, but these three are still the most popular.

These are pictures of some of the marzipan Easter eggs I’d made a few years ago. The ones I made last year turned out really pretty, but true to my silly procrastinating self, I waited to make these at the last minute, took way too much time making them pretty packages and didn’t have the opportunity to get any pictures. As luck would have it, the people who had ordered them oooh’d and aaah’d about them but they didn’t have any pictures either. Well, all I can say is lesson learnt. This year there will be pictures!

Back to the Easter eggs, these are made of marzipan with Royal icing piping and fondant flowers.

In my next Easter Goodies post, I’ll show you a tiny twist on these delightful treats!

I’ve added one of my favorite marzipan recipes. Click here to view it.

This post is linked to –
Crafty Soiree
The Homespun Bake Shop
Sweets for a Saturday
Meals on Monday
Easter Party

Easter goodies #2 – Easter Bonnets

Next in the series of Easter goodies, check out these marzipan bonnets. You can simply make your own marzipan or pick up some readymade, add food color to your liking and decorate as you wish. I chose to use some royal icing to pipe a little ribbon and bow. I prefer keeping the icing white. I think it complements the pastel shades best.

I’ve added one of my favorite marzipan recipes. Click here to view it.

This post is linked to –
Sweets for a Saturday
Crafty Soiree
The Homespun Bake Shop
Meals on Monday