My name is Trisha. Welcome to my little space on the internet where I share my kitchen escapades.
I am a baker, crafter and I love travelling. I also have a fondness for collecting recipes from all sorts of sources. Have you figured out that I’m addicted to Pinterest and Instagram yet? The Aspiring Home Cook (previously known as My Hobbie Lobbie) is my way of trying to keep a track of the recipes that I’ve tried so far.Moving to another country (I now call Sydney home), has been the best experience, especially when it comes to food. I’ve had the opportunity to work with new ingredients, try out different cuisines and new experiences.
So what can you expect to find on this site? Well, I’m originally from India and you will find some traditional Goan food recipes that I’ve picked up from my mother. After moving to Australia, the yearning for Goan food and Indian food, in general, kicks in every once in a while, so I have started experimenting with a lot more Indian recipes for treats that are readily found in India. With my new exposure to a heap of new ingredients and cuisines, I am constantly trying out recipes for food that I’ve enjoyed in restaurants on on food shows. In addition to this, I love, love, LOVE baking. So, all you baking enthusiasts should find something to keep you interested.
I do hope you will stop by every once in a while, and join me on my food journey. Nothing makes me happier than hearing from you. So leave me a comment, let me know what you’d like to see more of on this site … or just say Hi.
All the content posted here (including but not limited to my recipes, pictures and videos) is my own and requires my written consent to be used or re-produced in any form, printed in hard copy or online.
DISCLOSURE: All the opinions posted here are my own. If I’ve been asked to try out a product for compensation, it will be clearly stated. However, the opinions in such a sponsored post, will be 100% my own and unbiased.