Easter goodies #4 – Marzipan Petit Four Easter Eggs

Like I’d promised here, today I’m going to show you a little something that I did to change up these marzipan Easter eggs. One of my clients, last year, needed something to take along to work for his colleagues. He didn’t want something as big as the regular Easter goodies since quite a few of the guys at work were bringing something or the other. So this is what I did. I hand rolled the marzipan into small eggs (the larger ones are made using a mould). Pipped a little royal icing border and a single flower. I had no idea they would turn out this adorable, since this was the first time I made them. I sure do hope I get the opportunity to make these again. I had fun with them. They are ideal if you need to take some treats for a large number of people. It also turns out easier on the pocket than the larger pieces. Here they are in their individual little paper cups, ready to go. Aren’t they pretty? (If I do say so myself).

I’ve added one of my favorite marzipan recipes. Click here to view it.

This fun idea is linked to –
Crafty Soiree
The Homespun Bake Shop
Sweets for a Saturday
Meals on Monday
Easter Party

13 thoughts on “Easter goodies #4 – Marzipan Petit Four Easter Eggs

  1. These are so pretty. They made the Top 5 for last week's Sweets for a Saturday and will be featured on today's Sweets post. Congrats!!!

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