Salads at the Barbecue Party #2 – Simple Tuna Salad

Here’s another easy peasy salad that can be thrown together in minutes. You don’t even need to make a dressing. But I must say this is delicious tossed in some mayonnaise. Since I was looking for fresh sides to go with all the meat at the barbecue party, I skipped the mayonnaise. Its also healthier without the mayo and equally tasty. But don’t take my word for it. Try it out yourself and let me know what twist you put on it. What I love about these kind of salads is their versatility. Sometimes, I also add olives, lettuce, cucumber, pickles and some bell peppers to the salad. Really, you can add whatever you’d like in your salad and leave out whatever you don’t fancy. 

Simple Tuna Salad

1 small can of tuna flakes
3 large onions, chopped
2-3 tomatoes, chopped
2 green chillies, finely chopped
Salt, to taste
Sour lime juice, to taste

Toss all the ingredients in a bowl.

Check for salt and sourness and adjust accordingly. It’s always better to start with a small amount of salt and lime juice. You can always add more after tasting, but if it’s too salty or too sour,  there’s not much you can do, except add more veggies and fish to the bowl.

Also, most canned tuna is also salted. So taste the salad before you add any salt to it.

Have fun!

This recipe is linked to –
Hearth and Soul
Made By You Monday
Tuesdays at the Table
Tuesday’s Tasty Tidbits
Tuesday Night Supper Club
Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays

19 thoughts on “Salads at the Barbecue Party #2 – Simple Tuna Salad

  1. that salad looks healthy and delicious, i think mayonnaise dressing for salad is too heavy and overated! This looks so refreshingly light!

  2. i do love a good mayonnaise ladened tuna salad, but i think your recipe has me convinced that it is just as yummy without it. thank you for sharing this fabulous meat-less recipe with tuesday night supper club! and welcome, i do hope you come back often.

  3. I am in a tuna salad rut – mayo, pickle relish and tuna – I love the freshness of yours and the addition of lime juice – yum! Thanks for sharing this with us at the Hearth and Soul Hop!

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